HTC Adult and Collegiate Programs

HTC Adult and Collegiate Programs






At HTC Field Hockey, we are committed to providing quality playing opportunities for athletes of all ages, backgrounds, and genders. Whether you are brand new to the sport, played in high school or college, or competed internationally, we believe everyone should continue to play hockey after high school and college, simply for the love of the game. We welcome you to check out our exciting new adult programs and hope you spread the word to anyone who may be interested!

Upcoming Opportunities

HTC Summer Adult League

Thursday Nights – 7-9pm – 7 weeks of play – $1200 for teams, $160 for Individuals/Free agents. Sign up under the “Leagues” Tab

HTC Summer College Pickup

Wednesday Nights – 7-8:30pm – 10 weeks of play – $120 for Full Season or $20 per session. Sign up under the “Leagues” Tab.

Summer Adult Tournaments

  • June 30th: HTC Summer Kick Off Tournament – Trinity College, Hartford, CT
  • July 14th: HTC Mid Summer Classic – Trinity College, Hartford, CT
  • July 27-28th: 4Goals Cup – UMass Lowell, Lowell, MA

Sign up under the ‘Tournaments” tab and select “Registration for HTC members”.

If you have any questions about this tournament or any of our Adult opportunities, contact Darren, 860.778.1278.

We hope to see you all soon!


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